The Kashpost

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Contradictory Socialized love.


Love, an entity that somehow overwhelms the individual being of a person and makes him either aware of his 5 senses and acts as his 6th sensational attire or renders him senseless and in contrast of being devoid of the senses. Love being considered a basic human emotion but it’s conscious experience of the emotional reactions triggering the incendiary algorithms that makes the human conscious notorious of being weakened somehow and acknowledged for being the strongest sphere of sentiments.

The general peculiarity of love, what if being subjected to social norms? Love is the emotion like pain and happiness that exists in humans as well as animals, but in humans, these emotions are demarcated by the boundaries of social attorneys to decide the behavioral entities. Social customs, and traditions,sometimes strongly adhere the feelings of love to the intrine where people are unable to express. Sometimes preachings of love reify and are made redundant due to the inability to express implicit aftermath on our behavior and relationships with our fellow mates.

Society defines love as something selfish that satisfies our own desires. But unknown to what the demarcations it implies, may render a person thoughtless or sometimes the captive of his own thoughts. The thoughts of children, their being and existence are highly manipulated by these demarcations where the human existence is bound, where the influence of social wellbeing is considered more important than mental and emotional well-being and the peace of soul is traded for the customary depictions of chaos and the untamed hounds of norms.

These pseudo_social customs hinder the true expressions of love and somehow generate the socially manipulated attributes for nationalism, authenticity, elitism, nativism, and so on. The pseudonym of nationalist ideologies is making the nation’s bloodily fertile, as minds of humans are unleashed in the wrong directions depicting wrong stimulations. There is a strong clash of how a person should feel “freely” and how manipulatively made to “feel”. How an individual should react and express his emotions and how he shows it being under social filth and infatuations.

Article by || Iyassar Yaseen

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