The Kashpost

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Pulwama police organized cycle race under the aegis of Civic Action Programme (CAP)


*Pulwama 19 Feb 2023*Under the aegis of Civic Action Programme (CAP), a cycle race was organized by Pulwama Police in which number of students of various schools of the District have participated. The race was categorized in two categories viz senior category under 19 & junior category under 14. The race started from Bonoora crossing upto Koil crossing and back.During interaction with the students SSP Pulwama Gh Jeelani Wani-JKPS said that everyone should take part in sports activities as it helps to boost their Self Confidence, Concentration, Physical as well as Mental Health. He said that students/youth should make optimum use of sports and channelize their energy in the right direction through sports activities.It was stressed to the youth/students to participate in sports and organize anti drug campaigns in their respective areas to save the society from drug menace.The following participants bagged first, 2nd and 3rd positions from both the categories are:-Winners among senior category under 19 are. 1. Malik karnal Talha2. Musaib ul Islam3. Zaid bin SajadWinners among junior category under14.1. Munazir Bashir2. Mohd Udain Najar3 Farhaan Reyaz During closing ceremony, SSP Pulwama distributed Cash reward and appreciation certificates, among the winners of both age groups. Consolation cash prizes/participation certificate were also distributed among all the participants.During prize distribution ceremony ASP Pulwama, DySP PC Pulwama, SHO Pulwama and other Police officers were present.At conclusion SSP Pulwama advised the participants to take part in the events being organized by police in coming days.

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