The Kashpost

Well done is Better than ,Well said

Worshipping an odd night of the last ten days of Ramadan is better than the worship of 83 yrs


One of the nights of Ramadan is called Shab-e-Qadr, which is a very blessed night and in which worship has been described in the Holy Qur’an (Surat al-Qadr) as better than a thousand months.    As if the worship of this night is better than the worship of the whole life.  And more beautiful than a thousand months?  Only Allah knows.
  It is known from the instructions of the Holy Prophet that this night takes place in the last ten days of Ramadan.  Therefore, not a single moment of this last decade has been wasted.  Pray the five prayers in congregation, keep them in the day, spend most of the night in worship, order Taraweeh and Tahajjud, remember Allah, pray for yourself and the Muslim Ummah, recite the Holy Qur’an more.  The Creator of the universe states regarding the value and virtue of Shab-e-Qadr at most.
As the significance of this night is mentioned in Quran surah tul Qadr:
Indeed, We have sent down the Holy Quran on the Night of Destiny, that is, We have sent down the Holy Quran from the Preserved Tablet to the heavens of the world on this night.  You also know what a great thing Shab-e-Qadr is, that is, you know the greatness and virtue of this night, how many virtues and how many virtues are in it.  Then some of the virtues are mentioned, Shab-e-Qadr is better than a thousand months, that is, the reward of worshiping for a thousand months is more than the reward of worshiping Shab-e-Qadr, and how much more?  Only Allah knows.  On this night angels and Gabriel descend.  By the command of their Lord, they descend to the earth with good deeds.  And this blessing lasts till dawn.( Al Quran ).
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: Whoever stands on the Night of Destiny with faith and with the intention of reward (for worship), all his past sins are forgiven.  (Bukhari and Muslim) Standing means: Praying, reciting Qur’an and engaging in dhikr etc.  To hope for a reward means to act for the sake of gaining the pleasure of pure Allah and not for the sake of fame and appearance.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: A month has come upon you in which there is a night which is better than a thousand months.  The one who is deprived of this night is as if deprived of all good, and is not deprived of its goodness except the one who is truly deprived.  (Ibn Majah) 
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: Look for the night of Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadaan.  (Bukhari).
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,
The Angels on Laylatul Qadr are as numerous as the pebbles upon the earth.
(Musnad Aḥmad).

Prayers Praying and reciting the Quran in Mosque. Pic By| Faisal Bashir

The sign of Laylatul-Qadr is that the Sun rises the following morning white and without rays. The Sun rises the following morning like a brass dish having no rays until it rises high up. Who among you remembers [that night] when the moon rose and it was like a piece of the plate. Laylatul-Qadr is easy and calm, not too hot and not too cold, and the Sun rises the following morning weak and reddish. 
The majority of Muslim communities across India have assumed that the Layla tul qadr on the night of the 27th of Ramadan, As Prophet Muhammad (SAW) advised to “Look for it in the odd nights of last ten days of the month of Ramadan(Bukhari)
Hazrat Ayesha (RA) said that Hazrat Akram used to observe I’tikaaf in the last ten days.  I would set up a tent for you (in the mosque) and after the morning prayers, you would go there.  Then Hazrat Hafsa (RA) also asked permission from Hazrat Ayesha (RA) to set up a tent (for her I’tikaf).  Hazrat Ayesha (RA) gave permission and they set up a tent.  When Hazrat Zainab bint Jahsh saw him, she also pitched another tent.  In the morning, the Prophet saw many tents.  He asked, “What is this?”  So you were informed (of the situation).  The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: She considers it a good deed for herself.  Then he gave up i’tikaaf for this month (Ramadan) and did i’tikaaf for the last ten days of Shawwal.  (Sahih Bukhari)

Women while making Dua In the Mosque. Pic By| Faisal Bashir

Sadaqa al-Fitr is obligatory, it is time for life, that is, if it has not been paid, then pay it now.  Not paying will not invalidate it, nor is it qadha to pay now, but it is still to be paid, even though it is obligatory to offer Eid prayers before Masnun. Sadaqah al-Fitr is obligatory on a person, not on wealth, so if he dies, it will not be paid from his wealth.  Yes, if they pay the inheritance as a benevolence on their behalf, then there may not be any compulsion on them and if the will has been made, then one third of the property will be paid even if the heirs do not allow it. On the day of Eid, sadaqa-e-fitr is obligatory as soon as the sun rises in the morning.  It is obligatory for a person to die after dawn or to become a Muslim before dawn or to have a child or to be rich. 
The grand Mufti of Jammu and kashmir have announced the Sadaqat ul fitr at Rs Sixty Five (65) he also quoted that sadaqat ul fitr is required and compulsory for muslim and pay it before the Eid prayer  and also can be start to give from the beginning of month of holy month ramadan and also said that it can be given to a poor and needy but not for the construction purposes of Masjids and any other another structures. “There is no harm for any person who is wealthier and want to pay more than Rs 65 per person as fixed for this year

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