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What Is G-20?


G-20…. Q 1.What does the english alphabet “G” mean in G-20 ?Ans. It means “Group”

.Q2.. When was G-20 established ?Ans. 1999.

Q3.Who gave the Idea of G-20 ?Ans.Canadian Finance minister Paul Martin.

Q4. Where was the first G-2O summit held ?Ans. Washington (DC)USA,2008.

Q5.How many countries are the members of G-20?Ans.19 countries & the European union, 1. Argentina 2. Australia 3. Brazil 4. Canada 5. China 6. France 7. Germany 8. India 9. Indonesia10. Italy11. Japan12. Mexico13. Russia14. Saudi Arabia15. South Africa16. South Korea17. Turkey18. United kingdom19. USA. &20. Euopean Union.

Q6. How many summits of G-20 have been heldtill date ?Ans.17.

Q7. Where is the headquater of G-20?Ans. Cancun-Mexico.

Q.8. What percentage of the world population does G-20 represent? Ans. 60%.

Q.9. What is the ‘Theme of G-20’ summit being held in India?Ans.(VASUDHAIVA-KUTUBAKAM)” sanskrit which translates as,One earth,One Family,& One future.

Q10.Which country holds the presidency of G-20 at the moment?Ans. India, from 01 Dec.2022 to 30 nov.2023.

Q.11. After how many years is G-20 Summit held?Ans. One Year.

Q.12. From which country has India taken over the presidency of G-20?Ans. Indonesia.

Q.13. Who is the present Chairman of G-20?Ans.The Prime minister of India.

Q.14. When did India join G-20?Ans, In 1999 and is one of the founding members of G-20.

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