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Pedestrian Killed After Allegedly Hit By Biker in Kokernag Anantnag


Srinagar: A pedestrian was killed after being hit by a fast moving two-wheeler in Kokernag area of south Kashmir’s Anantnag district, official sources said.

They told GNS that the person was hit by a biker riding a two-wheeler bearing number JK03M 6243 at Danwethpora Sagam area of Kokernag. “Soon after the accident, the man was evacuated to a nearby health facility, where he was brought dead on arrival”, they said.

The deceased person has been identified as one Tariq Ahmad Naikoo, son of Abdul Jabbar, a resident Zaldoora Qazigund and the accused driver as Mashooq Majeed, son of Abdul Majeed Sheikh, resident of Soaf Shali.

A police official confirming it told GNS that they have taken cognizance of the incident. (GNS)

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