The Kashpost

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Amarnath Yatra: Depute expert teams to ensure facilities are extended, Div Com tells officials 


Srinagar: To ensure that all the necessary arrangements for Shri Amarnath Yatra are put in place by departments and agencies to facilitate yatries, the Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri on Sunday visited the holy cave to take first hand appraisal of arrangements.

During the visit, Div Com took stock of various facilities including health, sanitation, toilets, electricity, drinking water, langars and tents installed by concerned departments.

On the occasion, he directed the concerned officers to depute their expert teams to ensure the facilities are properly extended to Yatries during the period of yatra.

He instructed them that to make all services functional well before the commencement of the yatra.

Addressing the officers of concerned departments, the Div Com instructed Director Health Services Kashmir to keep all medical aid handy to tackle any emergency issues of pilgrims.

Similarly, he directed concerned for regular supply of electricity which will further ensure delivery of other services.

He cautioned officers for any lapse that may cause inconvenience to yatries while performing their religious duties.

He also stressed on proper disposal of solid waste to avoid environmental pollution in the area.

Officials of Shri Amarnath Shrine Board, Flood and Irrigation, KPDCL, Sanitation, Police, Health, were present on the occasion.

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