The Kashpost

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Those misusing water to be jailed, fined, warns Jal Shakti Deptt


Raja Syed Rather

Ganderbal, Jun 21 (KNO): Authorities in the Jal Shakti Department on Wednesday said those found misusing the water supply will get two years imprisonment and a fine of 10,000 rupees.

Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Ganderbal, Er Samiullah Beigh, while talking to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), said there is no water scarcity anywhere across the district, but complaints have been received that the people use drinking water supply for irrigation purposes, car washing, cleaning their houses and other related issues.

“I have met the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Gandarbal. He said strict action must be taken against those misusing water,” Beigh said while appealing to people not to use drinking water for other domestic purposes.

Those found using water boosters and motors on our lines will be fined Rs 10, 000 and also a two-year jail term, the Executive Engineer warned.

“We have also established a squad which includes officials from Jammu & Kashmir Police from both men and women wing and Jal Shakti Department. This squad randomly checks the houses and if anybody is found misusing the water supply, they will be dealt with strictly according to the law,” he said. “Attaching a motor directly to the main water supply line is a serious offence. If any household is found engaged in such activity, they will not be exempted or pardoned, and strict legal action will be taken against them.”—(KNO)

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