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Annual Uras of Sufi Saint Syed Peer Akbar Shah Khaleefa-e-Naqashbandi(Ra) celebrated with religious fervour in Waliwar Lar Ganderbal Kashmir


GANDERBAL : The two days annual Urs of Sufi Peer Hazrat syed Peer Akbar Shah Khaleefa-e-Naqasbandi ( RA) is being celebrated with religious fervour and enthusiasm at his shrine Waliwar in district Ganderbal.

Thousands of devotees are paying obeisance at the shrine of revered saint Hazrat Syed Peer Akbar Shah Khaleefa-e- Naqasbandi(RA) at Waliwar Lar in district Ganderbal since last two days for seeking solace and divine blessings.

Special congregational prayers were held at Darga Aliyaa Hill lock in waliwar village.

Special prayers were held for peace and prosperity of Muslim Ummah especially the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The devotees also had glimpse of Tabarkat of Hazrat Syed Peer Akbar Shah Khaleefa-e- Naqasbandi(RA) and divine blessings of the revered saint.

The preaching’s and teachings of Hazrat Peer Akbar Shah Khaleefa-e-Naqasband(RA) for developing a sound and evil free society.

According to a statement from Sajada Nasheen Khaleefa Silsilla, Syed Peer Afsar Shah, Syed Peer Skindar Shah and Per Aksar Shah said annual Urs will be observed on July 08 and 09 and will conclude with special dua e majlis,” the statement said.

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