The Kashpost

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Scribes Meet SSP Pulwama, Mohammad Yousuf (JKPS) to discuss a range of topics.


Pulwama:- The journalist from various districts of Jammu and Kashmir, today met with the SSP Pulwama Mohammad Yousf (JKPS), and discussed various important issues with him.

As per the statement issued here, the Journalists include Rahi Nazir Editor In Chief RNS, Bilal Ur Rehaman, Journalist Bilal Bhat, and Haris Hameed; Editor – Srinagar News Network.

In the meeting, inestimable issues confronting the journalists who are working on ground, on & off, verticals and segments were discussed. Issues like Social media misuse, Augmentation in drug culture among youth were also viewed seriously in the meeting.

On the occasion, several issues related to day-to-day policing were discussed and all the participants called for further strengthening the relations between police and media. Media fraternity members also put forth a series of suggestions of public importance and chairing officer assured to take all these on priority.

The participating media personnel assured their full cooperation with police and also appreciated the police’s efforts in facilitating such interaction where participants could express their opinion freely.

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