The Kashpost

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Abducted girl recovered, accused held in Baramulla


Baramulla Police on Wednesday said to have recovered an abducted girl from Kunzer area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district.

In a statement to Asian News Hub (ANH), a police spokesman said on 24/07/2023, one person (name withheld) lodged a written complaint with Police Post Palhallan stating therein that his daughter (name withheld) aged about 17 years was missing from home since 23/07/2013.

He said, to this effect, case FIR under relevant sections of IPC was registered at Police Station Pattan.

During the course of investigation it came fore that the missing girl has been abducted by some unknown persons, he said.

Further investigation and with the help of technical evidences it came forth that one person namely Nazim Ahmad Kumar S/O Abdul Razak resident of Mulgam Kunzer has abductee the missing girl.

He said, Police Post Palhallan swung into action and consequently a team was constituted who proceeded towards Kunzer and missing girl was recovered. The accused have also been arrested in the instant case.

After completing the legal formalities, the abductee was handed over to her legal heirs. Investigation of the case is going on, the spokesman added.

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