The Kashpost

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Young Lawyer Files RTI to Uncover the Cause of Water Scarcity in Kangan


In light of the ongoing water scarcity issue plaguing the town of Kangan for the past three months, young lawyer Sajad Farooq Rather has taken proactive steps to delve into the matter and find viable solutions. Mr. Rather filed a Right to Information Act 2005 (RTI) request at the Public Health Engineering (PHE) office, sub-div Kangan, to investigate the reasons behind the water shortage and the actions taken by officials to address the situation.

Having recognized the severity of the water crisis faced by the people of Kangan, Sajad Farooq Rather conducted extensive research on the issue. During his investigation, he discovered that a water filtration plant was sanctioned in 2016/2017 to alleviate the problem. However, the project was left incomplete, contributing to the current dire situation in the area.

In his quest for transparency and accountability, Mr. Rather sought information from the concerned department through the RTI application , specifically requesting the Detailed Project Report (DPR) to understand crucial details such as the sanctioned budget, land allocation for the project, and the reasons for its incomplete status.

It is noteworthy that Sajad Farooq Rather, in addition to his legal endeavors, is actively exploring various social and political aspects of India. His extensive travels across the country have deepened his understanding of the challenges faced by different communities. He remains steadfast in his commitment to work on socio-legal issues and drive positive change in India. His recent RTI filing at the PHE office, sub-div Kangan, is a testament to his commitment to uncovering the truth behind the water scarcity problem and working towards a brighter future for the people of Kangan and beyond. He looks forward to receiving positive details under the RTI Act 2005, which will contribute to addressing the drinking water plant issue and ensuring access to clean water for the residents of Kangan

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