The Kashpost

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In Batamaloo rally, Azad condemns Gaza attacks, demands elections in J&K


Srinagar Oct 21: Stressing for an early election in J&K DPAP, Chairman Ghulam Nabi Azad condemned the attacks on Gaza. Azad said that he prays for all those Palestinians who lost their lives in the brutal attacks. “I strongly condemned the attacks on innocent civilians in Gaza,” he said. He said he is thankful to all those non-Muslim nations who stood by the people of Gaza in this hour of grief and condemned the attacks on innocent civilians. He said, that when the countries responsible for maintaining peace in the world are themselves involved in imposing war on innocent civilians only God can save this world. Azad condemned the attacks while addressing a rally in Batamaloo Srinagar. Speaking about the political situation in J&K, Azad however, said that it was for the first time in nearly three decades that such a political rally was held in Batamaloo area. He said Batamaloo was a very sensitive area and was point of confrontation between militants and security forces due to which common people were suffering. “I am happy that the peace has returned to Jammu and Kashmir and especially to these very sensitive areas where common people suffered a lot,” he said. Azad said that immediate elections must be held in Jammu and Kashmir and it is unacceptable to run the UT in an administrative arrangement. He said no democracy allows this procedure since only elected members have right to represent the wishes and aspirations of people. “I am not questioning the present dispensation in the Union Territory nor I am saying that they are not working. But it is not their job. It is the job of elected members and that is how the democracies work,” he said. Azad said that it is in the history of Jammu Kashmir first time that elections are derailed to this long time. “Nine years have passed when the last Assembly elections took place, even when the UT was going through the worst kind of situation it took center government only six years to restore democracy here,” he said. He said the elections are delayed despite the fact that peace has returned to J&K and there was no such normalcy in the UT in the last 3 decades. “Centre needs to explain why the elections are not held and democracy restored. There is a peace and people demand their own representation. How long they will be deprived them from it,” he said. Among others who were present on the occasion were, Ab Majeed Wani Gen Secretary, Salman Nizami Chief Spokesperson, Haji Musadiq Vice President Province, Shafiq Shabnam Gen Secretary Province, Bilal Peer Zonal President, Amir Bhatt Distt President, Shafat Gaffar Mir Corporator, Nazia Zargar, Gh Rasool Hajam, Gh Nabi Palpori, Kiser Jin, Sheikh Amir Rasool, Er Nazir Yatoo, Tasleema Ara, Dr Shubi Jaan, Farooq Shikari, Fatima Shikari and others.

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