The Kashpost

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World’s most expensive mushroom is found in Jammu & Kashmir


Gucchi, one of the costliest mushrooms in the world, is found in the foothills of Jammu and Kashmir. Currently, 1 kg of sponge mushrooms cost as much as Rs 30,00

Gucchi mushrooms, also known as morels are part of Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP) and the rare variety of mushrooms are found in the wilderness usually grow in clusters on logs of decaying wood, soil, around pine and deodar trees.”

The prized mushroom is largely found in J&K’s Poonch, Doda, Kishtwar, Ramban, Anantnag, Bandipora, Kupwara, and Pulwama districts with small quantities of mushrooms also coming from other districts as well.

Packed with vital minerals like iron, copper, manganese, zinc, vitamin D and folate the highly valued mushrooms have huge demand in the domestic and international market. Besides this the edible fungus is said to have medicinal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Scientifically named Morchella esculenta, currently 1 kilogram of sponge mushrooms cost as much as Rs 30,000, making it the costliest among fungi in the world.

The morel mushrooms locally known as Kangech, grow wild and are collected manually by men, women and children living close to the forests

Note:- (This Story is Edit and Report By

IRFAN AMIN MALIK For moneycontrol)

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