The Kashpost

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First in a century, Proff. Naima Khatoon becomes AMU’s VC


Srinagar: Professor Naima Khatoon has become the first woman in a century to become the Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University.

Khatoon, who is currently Professor (Psychology and Educational Sciences) and Principal of the Women’s College, and the Director, Centre for Skill Development and Career Planning, is a native of Odisha.

Khatoon was among five probables named to be elevated to the coveted post.

Khatoon will hold the post for a period of five years from the date on which she enters upon his office or the date on which she completes seventy years of age, whichever is earlier.

“It may be stated that the Election Commission of India vide their letter dated 09.04.2024 has stated that the Commission has no objection, from Model Code of Conduct (MCC) angle, to the proposal related to appointment of Vice-Chancellor, AMU subject to the condition that no publicity shall be there and no political mileage may be derived from it,” reads a communique by Professor Saxena, Under Secretary to GoI, to the Registrar Aligarh Muslim University.

Notably, the first woman in the Chancellor post at the varsity was Begum Sultan Jahan in 1920.

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