The Kashpost

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Senior Journo Tarique Raheem Formally Takes Over As President of Handwara Media Association


Handwara: Senior journalist and Greater Kashmir Kupwara Correspondent Tarique Raheem Tuesday formally took over as President of Handwara Media Association (HMA).

The senior journalist, known for his astute reportage, took over from Kabeer Geelani – after the six-month term of the latter came to an end recently.

Interestingly, Tarique Raheem and Kabeer Geelani had secured an equal number of votes, following which it was unanimously decided by the members to let the two alternately head the Association for six months each.

Meanwhile, the Association has retained the post of Vice President with Syed Imtiyaz, General Secretary with Aadil Akbar, Spokesperson with Sajad Ahmad Lone and Treasurer post jointly with Aadil Akbar, Shamim Bhat and Aijaz Manzar.

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