The Kashpost

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“Maximizing the Benefits of Smartphones: Balancing Connectivity and Smart Usage”


Smartphone is an electronic device used for communication as well as for information purposes. It is a powerful modern technological product having tremendous applications both for man and society. A life without a smartphone is still possible but it is full of difficulties and hardships. with smartphone one’s life becomes full of opportunities.

Smartphones are used for information, communication, getting knowledge etc. The internet has increased its importance in daily life . With mobile applications like facebook, instagram and whatsApp etc one can remain in online contact with his friends, teachers and relatives. One can surf on any of social network apps and see content of his interest.

In the academic field smartphone has huge benefits. Both students and teachers use it for solving problems of respective academic disciplines. They can get access to books of various reputed authors, search topics of their concern. Students can also use it to attend online classes on platforms like zoom. There are abundant youtube channels which make videos on academic syllables which are worth to watch.

As it is called smartphone one needs to be smart in order to use and handle it better. The unnecessary and more than necessary use of smartphone often results to its harmful use and wastes one’s time, money for internet use and even leaves bad impact on health. The use of smartphone by small children and even teenagers without guidance and monitoring by their guardians leads to academic backwardness and mental trauma of such children and teenagers. They also become socially isolated as they remain confined to world of screen. Research has shown that more use of social media leads to feelings of social isolation and decrease in confidence.

The smartphone of 21st century is easy to use but hard to use smartly. We should use it for positive purposes only. It is should be used for the betterment of our lives. Communication, information , education and entertainment should be our top priorities in the use of smartphone. We should not let to sacrifice our social behaviour for use of smartphone . It should be used within the limits of our social and cultural bonds. Let’s be wise and smart to use this smart device called “Smartphone”.

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