The Kashpost

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“Preserving Heritage: The Pheran and the Bias of Modern Kashmiri Youth”


Pheran a cultural dress, the identity of Kashmir, a heritage from the ancestors is a woolen cloth ware used by the Kashmiri people since ages. It is typically a round sewed piece of clothing that is worn during winters.

It can be of different sizes usually oversized to accommodate a kangri into it.

It is worn upon the clothes to keep ourselves from the harsh cold weather, also acting as a
blanket over the legs while sitting down..

Kashmir is known for its people wearing Pheran during winters. But it seems the people are ashamed while putting on a clotting that resembles the culture.

Recently during a fashion week dedicated to Pheran and its new designs none of the models was seen wearing one. Many netizens viewed it with concern, while the nerds had their different views. Some believe the culture is preserved in most of the region, but many believe in the fact that the culture is getting diminished from the urban areas.

One such incident occurred at one of the prestigious universities of Kashmir: ‘The Kashmir University’, where a student “Tawfeeq Ahmad” pursuing his postgraduate from the institute was not allowed to sit in the library reading hall just because of the fact that he was wearing a Pheran.

Even upon protesting he was threatened by the staff member for not taking off the Pheran on the chilly winter’s day. The incident came into the eyes of the students who were astonished and disappointed too.

Some even believe in the fact that a person with a coat or a suit shall never be treated so, as the person is wearing something people believe has class.

Some called the act a reason of the western ideas and culture that have gone deep into the contemporary minds.

This makes me conclude which a famous person once has said, “Our community needs to modernize, not westernize.” And we should remember the fact that it takes generations for a piece of clothing to become a culture.

Article By: Ibn QalamAbout the Author: Ibn Qalam is a budding writer with a keen interest in environmental issues, science and technology, and social matters. He is a contributor to The KashPost.

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