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_AWAKEN TO GRATITUDE_: Reclaiming Faith, Positivity & Life’s Simple Joys


By Mir Furqanul Islam1

Is life a materialistic essence!
Life a compact and complex structure of many different aspects not only complex and dynamic, but even difficult to define in a wavelength spectrum.

Life if I define is “ the feeling of intangible aspects viz emotions, thoughts , feelings and

In this world of Tech savy age we are under the light of many evolved and evolving phenomenon’s that have completed magnified the phenomenon of our existence.
In today’s world of cycle life is stick to attain more tangibly rather than intangible.

Everybody is in an uneven race to gain status, wealth and material objects henceforth we lost the actual definition of our existence as per even our Holy books.

This race has lead us to different Quantum of disasters and ultimately have lead us towards destruction of attaining stable mind and peace of soul.

Life is not always being materialistically stable I am not against we shouldn’t gain
Materialism but to gain and focus only the materialistic approach on life has given us tough
challenges in Managing our positive, good and strong relations with our near and dear

The life that evolve materialism has its adverse negative impacts on being unstable.

With gaining wealth we even lose most of the auspicious moments of life and the connection to our faith.
Have you ever known why the rain drop is spherical in shape! Yes probably you might be
aware about the fact that everything in this Universe wants to be stable like sodium is
feeling unstable and tries to bond with chlorine and thus the duo become stable so is this
case of rain drop rain drop wants to be stable for to attain the stability rain drop attains minimum surface area and tend to be in spherical shape.
Dear friends life goes in the same state of dynamics in this world of easy living there might
be hardly none who willnt say I unstable.

This unstablity is always regarding there choices of job satisfaction, money related issue’s and marriage and all aspects.

To gain this stability money is not always playing its the human mind who might know an art
of living .

If you will came to know an art of living you will feel the most blessed every.

God the true energy has given us this beautiful gift of life. Instead of wasting it thinking of unnecessary actions and materialism why we aren’t thanking the God for blessing us with cycle of health which is utterly one of the strongest weapon a human is having.

We are always fascinated with luxurious entities we try to find stability in them have you
ever wondered about this beautiful universe and the nature.

Nature is peaceful and loving that we are unable sometimes to catch the affection of it. Have you ever found that nature has given us beautiful gifts that too which costs null.

Probably we are very far from these visual appearance either we act ignorant or try to always find materialism among things out

In today’s uneven world we are facing infinite tragedies, issues and problems which ultimately lead us towards psychological distress and make us prone to psychiatric

Let’s hope to renew our faith. Let’s bring a positive environment to stay stable and peaceful by acting very wise and genuine.

Let’s enjoy simple things out their in our life.

Let’s build emotions strong in this world of AI. Let’s practice our faith with positive vibration let’s be
content and thankful to the God whatever he has provided us with by attaining such power of existence you will lead ultimately towards a life that might be real and inspiring.

Note :- This Article is not edited by Team The KashPost, accept Headline, This Article is write and edit by Author

About the Author: Mir Furkaan-ul- Islam is a budding Journalist & Physicist. Furkaan Is pursuing Masters in Journalism CUK Ganderbal, with a keen interest in environmental issues, psychology , science and technology, and social matters, Current affairs.He is a contributor to The KashPost.

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