The Kashpost

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Kashmiri youth goes missing from Punjab 


Srinagar: A youth from North Kashmir’s Kupwara district has gone missing from Ludhiana city of the northern Indian state of Punjab.

Firdous Ahmed Peer, a resident of the Muqam Dardpora Kralpora area of Kupwara went missing on February 17, this year and since then his whereabouts is unknown to his family.

The family members including the mother and the sister of the missing youth emerged in Press Enclave Srinagar to attract the attention of the media towards the matter.

“He was working in a hotel at Ludhiana where he had gone there along with a friend from Anantnag. The hotel authorities informed us that Firdous is untraceable since 17 February,” one of the rrelatives said.

Another relative said that police in Ludhiana don’t take the issue seriously. “We repeatedly visited the police station in Ludhiana but the men in uniform are not giving serious heed and no efforts are being made to locate our missing member,” he said.

The protesting family appealed to the Jammu Kashmir Police and Kupwara district administration to take up the issue with the Punjab Police. [KNT]

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