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Fire Service Day observed across the valley to pay homage to Martyrs


Fire Service Day observed across the valley to pay homage to Martyrs

SRINAGAR// Fire Service Day was observed in Srinagar to pay homage to those martyrs of Jammu and Kashmir who have attended emergencies in great odds and sacrificed their precious lives while fighting fires. In this regard a function was observed at Fire and Emergency Services Headquarters Batamaloo Srinagar. April 14 is observed as “National Fire Service Day”. “Two minutes silence was observed as a mark of respect to the Martyrs and wreaths were laid on the Martyr’s Column as mark of respect to the brave fire fighters,”. Bashir Ahmad Shah, Joint Director Fire & Emergency Services Kashmir Range Srinagar, presided over the function. He briefed the officers and personnel of the services and stressed upon them that they shall never show their back to fire and they should always be prepared to even sacrifice their lives for saving the precious lives and property of people as the motto of “our services which is “We Serve To Save”.” Such functions were also organized at all District Headquarters of the J&K and at Station Level, the statement said. Fire Service week will be observed throughout the J&K from April 14 to 20. This year’s theme is “Awareness in Fire Safety for growth of National Infrastructure

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