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Trainee found dead under mysterious condition at PTS Manigam


Trainee found dead under mysterious condition at PTS Manigam

A trainee at Police Training School (PTS) in Manigam was found dead in a mysterious condition in a washroom at PTS Manigam here, officials said.

An official told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that a trainee was found in a mysterious condition in the washroom at PTS Manigam.

He was immediately rushed to District Hospital (DH) Ganderbal where doctors declared him dead.

Furthermore, the reports suggest that the constable was unwell for the past few days.Medical Superintendent (MS) DH Ganderbal, Dr Ab Majid Bhat told KNO that as off now it seems like a cardiac arrest, but the exact cause of death can be determined after post-mortem—(KNO)

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