The Kashpost

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Illigal construction/Property Seizure By Ist Class Magistrate Kangan and I&FCD In Ganderbal


We cannot Tolerate any type of illigal construction SDM Kangan

Ganderbal :- Illigal construction/Property Seizure By Ist Class Magistrate Kangan and irrigation and flood control department In Ganderbal at Doctors colony prang kangan today.

According to Notice ” the magistrate given the notice of property owner to attend the court before executive magistrate within two days”

It is pertinent to mention here that the High Court has passed directions that no construction be carried out within 100 meters periphery of the nallah, while this constructions is very close to Nallah Sindh have been going on in the area.

We cannot tolerate any type of illigal construction SDM Kangan.

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