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Class 9 boy in Delhi steals mother’s gold to buy iPhone worth Rs 50,000 as birthday gift for girlfriend


The boy reportedly wanted to impress his girlfriend on her birthday by gifting her an iPhone. He, however, went absconding after his mother reported the theft to the police.

A Class 9 student in Delhi has been detained after he stole his mother’s gold ornaments to buy an iPhone for his girlfriend on her birthday. The boy had apparently asked his mother for the money first, but after she denied him due to limited resources, he resorted to stealing, the Times of India reported.

As per the report, the child’s father had died of illness and he had little interest in academics often scoring average marks in exams.

The incident happened in Najafgarh area earlier this week and the boy was detained on Wednesday. According to the police, the matter came to light after the mother noticed that her gold was missing and filed an FIR. During investigation, the police ruled out any suspicious activity by outsiders after going through the CCTV footage of the area and talking to the neighbours.

The police further grew suspicious of him after he went missing since the theft was reported. Moreover, after questioning his friends, they found out that he had recently bought an iPhone worth Rs 50,000 and had a girlfriend in the same class.

The boy was nabbed when he tried to sneak into his home on Wednesday evening and the iPhone was seized.

“On August 3, an incident of house theft was reported by a woman in which she reported the theft of two gold chains, one pair of gold earrings, one gold ring from her house on August 2, by an unknown person between 8 am to 3 pm,” deputy commissioner of police (Dwarka) Ankit Singh told the Times of India.

He added that the boy was upset that his mother did not give him the money and asked him to focus on his studies instead.

“Angered over the denial, he decided to steal money from his house,” the DCP said, adding that further investigation is underway.

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