The Kashpost

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After Omar, Mehbooba Mufti hints not to contest next assembly elections


Srinagar, Nov 06: Three days after the National Conference president Dr. Farooq Abdullah announced that his son and former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah will not contest assembly elections till statehood is restored to Jammu and Kashmir, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) president Mehbooba Mufti also hinted not to contest the next assembly polls, reported.

As per ibtimes report, interacting with media persons at Srinagar, Mehbooba Mufti said that participating in the next assembly election was not her priority.

“Those at the helm of the affairs are hell-bent to stifle dissent voice. An atmosphere of fear, hatred, and uncertainty has been created in Jammu and Kashmir. In such an atmosphere participating in the election is an important question for me”, she said as per ibtimes.

“Attaining power is not my priority. We are fighting to save our very existence because those at the helm of the affairs are trying to destroy our existence”, she said.

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