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Kashmir & Palestine Going Trough Same Turmoil, It’s Time For Jihad Hizbul Mujahideen Chief Syed Salahuddin


Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin has equated the struggles of Kashmir and Palestine – which is currently locked in a war with Israel – and accused India of “illegal occupation”.

In a video accessed exclusively by CNN-News18, Salahuddin said Palestine was going through a difficult phase and Israel would take over Gaza after the attack.

Drawing a parallel with Kashmir, the Hizbul chief said India too was “murdering” innocent Kashmiris and “taking all wealth and money from Kashmir”. He added: “This is the time for Jihad and I pray to god that we win this Jihad.”

Responding to the video, India’s top Intelligence sources said the statement was nothing new. A source said: “He has been making these provocative statements from some time. Salahuddin is a discredited terrorist and disowned by the Pakistan army.”

Recently, CNN-News18 had reported how the ISI is upset with Salahuddin for not delivering “favourable results” in Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370 by the government.

The tension has become palpable after the Hizbul chief refused to participate in the drug trade with the Pakistani Army for money.

After the Abrogation of Article 370, Pakistan’s terror activities in Kashmir almost stopped due to the strictness of the security forces. ISI wanted to Salahuddin to revive Hizbul activities in the Valley.

The situation became worse after in a recent meeting in July the ISI told Salahuddin to deliver or hand over charge to Hizbul commander Amir Khan.

The ISI has stopped financial support to Hizbul and its office in Islamabad is also sold, the sources said. Salahuddin is receiving death threats from ISI, the sources added. Recently, he has upgraded his security to up to 12 guards.

Sources say Pakistan’s decision to make Mushaal Hussein Mullick as special assistant to Pakistan’s Prime Minister on human rights is to teach Salahuddin a lesson. Mullick is Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front’s chief Yasin Malik’s wife.

This News is Edited and Report By CNN-News18

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