The Kashpost

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Job Openings Across Kashmir, Apply Now


SRINAGAR: Various job openings have been notified across the valley. Here is a list of current job openings, detailing the vacancies available in various fields, including delivery partners (bikers), managers, psychologists, special educators, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, digital media managers, teachers, and customer care executives.

Ekart is hiring fifty delivery partners (bikers). The candidates will earn up to INR 20,000–30,000. Interested candidates can contact 7006946114.

Mind Meadows hires managers, psychologists, special educators, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and digital media managers.

Interested candidates can submit their resumes to [email protected] or WhatsApp at 9810360873.

Delhi Public School Srinagar, Athwajan, invites applicants to teach science, English, mathematics, social science, Urdu, and Kashmiri.

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