The Kashpost

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G.V. Sundeep Chakravarthy is the new SSP Anantnag, Ashish Mishra posted as SSP Srinagar


Srinagar : Authorities on Wednesday relieved SSP Srinagar Rakesh Balwal and Ashish Kumar Mishra will be new SSP Srinagar.

“In pursuance of the approval of Competent Authority for pre-mature repatriation of Shri Rakesh Balwal, IPS (MA:2012) from AGMUT Cadre, to his parent cadre i.e. Manipur cadre, the Officer is relieved from the Union territory of Jammu & Kashmir, to enable him to join his parent cadre.” Reads the order issued by RK Goyal , a copy of which lies with News Agency Kashmir Scroll.

“Ashish Kumar Mishra, IPS (AGMUT:13), Senior Superintendent of Police, Anantnag is transferred and posted as Senior Superintendent of Police, Srinagar.” Reads order.

“Shri G.V. Sundeep Chakravarthy. IPS (AGMUT:14), AIG (CIV) Police Headquarters, is transferred and posted as Senior Superintendent of Police, Anantnag vice Shri Ashish Kumar Mishra, IPS.” It states further.(KS)

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