The Kashpost

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28 JKPS officers of 99 batch inducted into IPS.


A significant development took place in the Indian Police Service (IPS) with the induction of 28 officers from the Jammu and Kashmir Police Service (JKPS) belonging to the 99 batch. This decision was made under the authority granted by the Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules and the Indian Police Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations.

Under the provisions mentioned, the President of India exercised their powers to appoint these officers to the IPS, placing them on probation. Furthermore, they were allocated to the Jammu and Kashmir region under the AGMUT Cadre, in accordance with the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules.

However, it is important to note that the final confirmation and appointment of these officers to the IPS is subject to the outcome of the ongoing legal proceedings. The case, titled Sheikh Abdul Rehman & Ors. Vs. Department of Home, UT of Jammu & Kashmir, is currently being adjudicated by the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Jammu Bench. This litigation stems from the transfer of the SWP No. 3869/2019 case filed by Shri Sheikh Abdul Rehman & Ors. in the Hon’ble High Court of Jammu & Kashmir at Srinagar.

The induction of these 28 JKPS officers into the IPS marks a significant step towards strengthening the police force in Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian Police Service remains committed to maintaining law and order in the region, and this development adds experienced officers to assist in this endeavor.

It is now up to the legal process to determine the final outcome of these appointments. Until then, the officers will undergo probation and work towards proving their dedication and capability to serve in the IPS. The induction of these officers from the 99 batch of JKPS reflects the continuous efforts to build a strong and effective police force in the country.

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